Friday, November 30, 2007

Traffic and Drivers

Well the vote are in and the gripe subject this week is traffic and drivers. I'll
get things started with a few of my own.

I'm an old fart so I remember when drivers stayed in the right lane except to pass someone and once they passed, they moved back to the right. When did the rules change? Why wasn't I notified? Now the left lane seems to be the Joy Ride lane, the lane for lost tourists and the lane for multi-taskers too busy eating and talking on the cell phone to be bothered with driving (Hay!, just because they are behind the wheel of a car is no reason for them to pay attention to driving, is it?).
One day I would like to just put a bunch of signs along the center divider that would read "ZOMBIES, POLITICIANS, AND OTHER DEAD THINGS KEEP TO THE RIGHT".

Don't you just love those folks who wait until they are stopped at a red light to decide they want to be in a different lane and move over in front of moving traffic?

They need to come up with a symbol for the "No turn on Red" signs because it seems that no one can read them anymore.

Of course, if you don't stop at red lights at all ...

With all the droughts and forest fires, have you ever seen anyone get a ticket for throwing a lit cigarette butt out of the car window?

Well that's enough bitching for me. Now your turn. Use the comment button or just email to